What is The Cost of Thyroid Cancer Surgery in India?


Thyroid Cancer Surgery in India

Understanding thyroid cancer and its treatment is crucial, but exploring the path, including the cost of thyroid cancer surgery in India, is something one never neglects. Thyroid cancer surgery is a common path taken to deal with this disease. However, the costs related to thyroid cancer vary from place to place. 

In this blog, we aim to bring the attention of our readers to the factors affecting the cost of thyroid cancer surgery in India, which will assist patients and their families in making informed decisions about their healthcare journey.

An Overview of Thyroid Cancer in India 

The normal thyroid is composed of two main cell types. One is the follicular cell type, which concentrates iodine and produces thyroid hormone. The other is the parafollicular cell, which produces calcitonin. Follicular cells lead to well-differentiated cancers and anaplastic tumors. Parafollicular cells give rise to medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC).

Thyroid cancer in India is nearly twice as common in women as in men. Previous radiation exposure is the main risk factor, with an average lag time of 25 years to cancer presentation. Other risk factors include female sex and family history. MTCs are different in that radiation exposure is not a risk factor and can occur sporadically (two-thirds) or in individuals who have either MEN II syndrome or familial MTC(one-third).

Types of Thyroid Cancer 

  • Papillary—This is the most common type, accounting for up to 80% of cases. It grows slowly, developing only in one lobe. It has a higher survival rate and curing rate via surgery.
  • Follicular—This is the second most common type, making up 10-15% of cases. It spreads more into the lungs and bones.
  • Medullary - It occurs from parafollicular cells (C cells) that produce calcitonin, making up 3-4% of cases. It can also occur as a part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2)
  • Anaplastic - It is a rare and aggressive form, making up to 1-2% of cases. It proliferates, is difficult to treat, and can metastasize easily.
  • Hurthle - It is also a rare subtype of follicular thyroid carcinoma. It makes up to 3-5% of cases. It is much more aggressive than papillary but can also spread via lymph nodes.
  • Thyroid Lymphoma - This is another rare type of thyroid cancer, often associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis, and is more responsive to chemotherapy & radiation therapy.

Various Kinds of Thyroid Cancer Surgery

Partial Thyroidectomy - It means removing only that part of a thyroid gland that is affected and sparing the rest. It is less expensive than a total thyroidectomy.

Total Thyroidectomy - This means the entire thyroid gland will be removed via surgery. It is more expensive than partial because of its complexity and duration. 

Factors Influencing The Cost of Thyroid Cancer Surgery 

  • Hospital and location—The hospital's location and popularity influence the cost of the surgery. Metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Chennai have medical costs different from those of other areas.
  • Surgeon Experience - The surgeon's experience and popularity also greatly influence the cost of thyroid cancer surgery. Highly experienced surgeons cost more money. However, their experience is necessary for your surgery to tackle complex procedures and prevent complications.
  • Type of Surgery - Some types of thyroid cancer surgery in India play a significant role in determining the cost. Robotic surgeries are costlier than traditional surgeries. 
  • Hospital Stay—The length of the hospital stay also plays a crucial role in the amount, and the kind of room chosen, such as a general ward or private room, can affect the overall cost. 

Average Costs of Thyroid Cancer Surgery in India

  • Preoperative Diagnostic Tests—like Blood tests, CT scans, Biopsies, and USG—are necessary to confirm the diagnosis and plan the surgery accordingly.
  • Diagnostics -  It ranges from $200 to $600. 
  • Types of Operations 
    • Lobectomy (Hemithyroidectomy) - approximately $2500 to $3500
    • Total Thyroidectomy - roughly $3500 to $5500
    • Near-Total Thyroidectomy - approximately $3500 to $4,500
    • Subtotal Thyroidectomy - approximately $2,500 to $3500
    • Robotic Thyroidectomy (Scarless)  - approximately $5000 to $7000
  • Postoperative Treatment - after surgery, further treatment is required, like 
  • Radioactive Iodine Therapy to remove any remaining cancer cells. it can cost you approximately $3500 to $4500
  • Medicine and Hormone Replacement Therapy - it is usually required after total thyroidectomy, 
    • Medicine - roughly $60 to $240
    • Hormone replacement therapy - approximately $120 to $240
  • Hospital Stay - the length of hospital stay also plays a crucial role in the amount.
    • General Ward - approximately $150 to $200
    • Private Ward - approximately $300 to $400
  • Routine checkups after treatment - approximately $100 to $150


Thyroid cancer surgery in India is an essential step for people who are diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Understanding the types, costs, and factors of the surgery will help navigate the healthcare options in India. 

If you are looking for the best consultation at any time, connect with Cross Border Care now! Contact us now to schedule your appointment and gain professional medical guidance from experts. 


  • Is Thyroid Cancer Surgery a high-risk medical procedure?

Thyroid Cancer Surgery is generally a low—to moderate-risk procedure. However, you can reduce the risk with the best consultation, advanced treatment, and care. To learn more, visit us at Cross Border Care. 


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